Our Faculty Members

Our multicultural faculty with adjunct and affiliate professors is composed of more than 50?members. They are multinational and represent most of the?denominational and non-denominational churches in Protestant traditions.

Rev. Dr. Elijah Liang Yi Li Yah

School of Theology (Chinese)

  • Dean
  • Associate Professor in New Testament


  • PhD, Taiwan Theological College and Seminary
  • ThM, Singapore Bible College
  • MDiv, Singapore Bible College

Biographical Information?

Rev. Liang has been associated with SBC since 2000, transitioning from an adjunct role (2000-2012) to a full-time lecturer since 2015. His academic focus lies in Pauline ethics, and he is dedicated to studying and teaching the Word with the conviction that “The unfolding of your words gives light; it imparts understanding to the simple” (Ps. 119:130), bringing about transformative life changes.

Previously, Rev. Liang served as the Senior Pastor of Coronation Baptist Church from 1999 to 2012 and as Interim Senior Pastor from 2015-2023. He regularly speaks and teaches at churches in Singapore and abroad. Additionally, Rev. Liang is a Solemniser of the Registry of Marriages Singapore.

His wife, Chu Mei Chuan, is also a lecturer at SBC. They have two grown sons, Nathan and Jonan.

View Dr. Liang’s profile on Academia.edu

  • Acts & Pauline Epistles
  • Four Gospels
  • Introduction to the New Testament
  • New Testamen Ethics
  • The Epistle of Galatians
  • The Epistle of Romans
  • Greek Grammar
  • Greek Exegesis
  • Hebrew Exegesis
  • Practical Homiletics
  • Song of Songs
  • New Testament Studies
  • Pauline Epistles and Ethics
  • The Epistles of Galatians and Ethics

Unpublished Research
  • 梁以利亞。《雅歌單元的自足性》。道學碩士論文。新加坡:新加坡神學院,1995。[“Self-Contained Units of Song of Songs.” MDiv Thesis. Singapore: Singapore Bible College, 1995.]
  • 梁以利亞。《問安在釋經上的重要性:加拉太書與羅馬書問安的研究》。神學碩士論文。新加坡:新加坡神學院,2000。[“The Hermeneutical Significance of Pauline Prescipt: Galatians and Romans.” ThM Thesis. Singapore: Singapore Bible College, 2000.]
  • 梁以利亞。《與基督同死同活:加拉太書保羅倫理之探討》。台灣神學院研究部神學博士論文。台北:台灣神學院,2015。[“Dying and Living with Christ: A Study of Paul Ethics in Galatians.” PhD Dissertation. Taipei: Taiwan Theological College and Seminary, 2015.]

Class Notes
  • Theology
    Systematic Theology 1, 2 & 3; Apologetics.
  • Biblical Languages
    Functional Hebrew, Hebrew Grammar, Hebrew Exegesis; Functional Greek, Greek Grammar, Greek Exegesis.
  • Old Testament
    Introduction to the Old Testament; Psalms and Wisdom Books; Introduction to the Prophets; Song of Songs; Apocalyptic; Biblical Exegesis.
  • New Testament
    Introduction to the New Testament; Galatians Exegesis; Exploring Galatians 17 Lessons; Acts & Pauline Epistles; Pauline Ethics; New Testament Ethics; Paul and His Co-workers.

Chinese Bible Revision

Chinese Contemporary Bible by International Bible Society.

  • 梁以利亞。〈以保羅對τ? στοιχε?α(加4:3, 9)的用法看保羅的處境交會〉。《台灣神學論刊》38 (2014): 19-47。[“Understanding Paul’s Contextual Intersection by His Usage of?τ?στοιχε?α (Gal.?4:3, 9).” Taiwan Journal of Theology 38 (2014): 19-47.]
  • 梁以利亚。〈“所是” 先于 “所行” - 从加拉太书看伦理与灵命操练〉。《伦理之情、牧者之怀》。新加坡:新加坡神学院,2017。[“‘Being’ Precedes ‘Doing’: Ethics and Spiritual Formation in Galatians.” in Ethics and Pastoral. Singapore: Singapore Bible College, 2017.]
  • 梁以利亞。〈再思保羅倫理與希羅德性倫理 ―― 探討聖靈果子之含意〉。《山道期刊》41 (2018): 25-47。[“Rethinking Paul’s Ethics as Compared to Graeco-Roman Virtue Ethics ― Implication of the Fruit of the Spirit.” Hill Road 41 (2018): 25-47.]
  • 梁以利亞。〈教会不分家:从加2:1-10反思植堂、宣教是分植抑或分裂〉。《宣教情.上帝心:21世纪宣教的挑战和契机》。111-145。新加坡:浸信会神学院,2019。[“The Church is not Divided: Reflection of Gal. 2:1-10 on whether Church Planting or Missions is Growing or Splitting the Church.” In The Spirit of Mission & Heart of God: 21st Century Challenge and Opportunity in Mission. Singapore: Baptist Theological Seminary, 2019.]
  • Coronation Baptist Church, Interim Senior Pastor.
  • Solemnizer of Registry of Marriages Singapore.
  • Speaking, Teaching and Training Ministry (Song of Songs; Become A Contagious Christian; Biblical Perspectives on Homosexuality; Gospels and Pauline Perspectives on Possession; New Perspretive of Paul and Chinese Church; 21st Century Challenges and Wayout in Biblical Ethics; 21 Century Neuroethics and Christian Theology; 21 Century Big Data Ethics and Reflections).

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