What Does SBC Stand for?

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Light-hearted humour is a unique way of shedding light on life. At Singapore Bible College, we enjoy playing with our acronym, SBC. You might already have heard some creative interpretations of what SBC means: ¡°Single Becomes Couple¡± or even in Hokkien, ¡°Simply Bo-Chap¡± (paying no attention to others). The possibilities are endless!

What does SBC mean to me? I envision SBC as a place where the community Steadily Becomes Christlike. To my students, it¡¯s a place where they Surely Become Competent. In the face of suffering, my colleagues remain unfazed, and cling to their assurance of being Sanctified By Christ. Furthermore, SBC can offer a word of caution¡ªlet us avoid Subtly Becoming Complacent.

From August to September, I visited alumni and engaged with pastors and leaders of churches, seminaries, and parachurch organizations in Japan, the US, Canada, and East Malaysia. I would like to share some observations and reflections from my time with them to help us see what SBC can genuinely stand for.

Global Challenges and Opportunities

First and foremost, it is imperative to recognize the long-term and severe impact of the pandemic on church life and theological education. Small churches in the US and Canada are struggling to draw members back to physical venues, resulting in a continued reliance on online services. Seminaries in the US have been forced to close or downsize due to low student enrolments and financial crises.

However, amidst these challenges, there have been positive changes. Many churches are reaching out to unchurched believers and evangelizing non-believers through online platforms. Some seminaries have adapted by offering hybrid curricula that cater to full-time and bi-vocational workers.

Currently, it is the low enrolment of full-time students in developed countries like Singapore that demands attention. But at the same time, the rise of bi-vocational workers across the Majority World is creating a need and opportunity for better training in leadership, teaching, and preaching to meet the demands of newly founded churches.


Finally, many churches and organizations lack sound leadership succession plans. This calls for proactive strategies and decisions from current leadership. In our rapidly changing world, younger generation of leaders must be well-equipped theologically to navigate the challenges of new technologies, secular cultures, geopolitics, and shifting demographics.


What should SBC stand for in light of these challenges and opportunities? Based on the convictions and proven capacities of my colleagues, I believe that SBC can mean the following qualities of education that align with our mission, vision and values:

  • Spirit-led Biblical Commission: emphasizing the Holy Spirit¡¯s guidance in our commission to prepare individuals for effective Christian ministry
  • Sound Biblical Curriculum: underlining our commitment to providing a robust and biblically grounded curriculum for theological education
  • Serving Beyond Churches: acknowledging our broader mission to prepare for service not only within churches but also in diverse contexts worldwide
  • Surrendered, Blessed, Connected: encouraging a sense of surrender to God, experiencing His blessings, and feeling connected through personal and communal worship
  • Soul Bonding and Caring: offering a holistic approach to therapeutic counselling and long-term caring for the soul
  • Study, Bond, Create: encouraging collaborative study, bonding with peers, and creating knowledge and experiences together


Standing Ready as SBC

As an educational institution, we are uniquely positioned to bridge the gap between academic rigour and practical ministry. Our goal is to empower pastors, leaders, and counsellors with both theoretical knowledge and real-world skills. We are committed to engaging in continuous dialogue with our alumni and stakeholders, as well as forging partnerships in the Majority World and with our Western counterparts, to enrich our educational endeavours.

Amidst the myriad needs of churches and mission fields, our core commitment is to provide holistic theological education to the men and women entrusted by their sending churches and mission agencies. Our focus is clear: to deliver theological pedagogy that deepens their faith in biblical teaching, broadens their horizons for the mission of God, and equips them with the skills necessary for effective ministry.

Let us stand ready to meet dynamic needs by nurturing servant leaders, effective communicators of God¡¯s Word, and integrative thinkers who will make a lasting impact on the world for Christ. This is the path we choose to ensure that SBC remains unwavering in our dedication to God¡¯s mission, so that our graduates will continue to shine as beacons of faith, knowledge, and service in an ever-changing world.

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